Taking control of your transportation fuel is a big project, and we are excited to help you make it happen. Once you have realized that electric vehicles are a critical part of your communities future, our team will lead you through the process of valuation and priority setting. For instance, you may invest in EV infrastructure primarily for its environmental attributes. Or perhaps, you are looking to capitalize on tax credits, or maybe your focus is to create jobs and keep fuel dollars within in your community. All of these goals are inherently achievable in a Brightfield rollout, but before our engineers and designers begin, we’ll help your visionaries to articulate the vision for your board members, council, shareholders or citizens. We are prepared to help you secure funding, write a grant or devise a regional EV infrastructure roll-out strategy.

Brightfield Transportation Systems has patent-pending software that will take your goals and current data, then help us to determine your community’s infrastructure needs, and the economic, social and environmental benefits of your Brightfield™ investment based on regional demographic and economic data. We have expertise identifying community resources and opportunities, and determining how to creatively leverage those assets to get Brightfield™ Charging Stations on the ground with an economically viable, community strengthening, and environmentally responsible result.

Typical Consultation Engagement Process;

  1. 1-2 hours phone interview with your project manager.
  2. Then, we’ll often conduct a conference call with both teams present.
  3. Initial proposal delivered by our team within 1-2 weeks.

Once we working together we will begin to; Help you to identify stakeholders and project champions through the AIMS Partnership development process. Gather their ideas, hopes and concerns with an eye on identifying multiple challenges that can be met through EV infrastructure deployment- addressing climate action goals, reducing fleet fuel and maintenance costs, initiating car share programs, providing parking lot shading with Brightfield™ Charging Station, building broader community EV buy-in, etc. The more benefits delivered by the project, the more supporters will gather under your tent.

Then, we’ll engage stakeholders and champions in the Transportation Infrastructure Modeling (TIM) process to determine project goals and to identify the most strategic and practical locations for electric vehicle charging infrastructure deployment. Our experience has taught us that the geographical location of charging infrastructure must be linked to overarching project goals if goals are to be met. The TIM process ensures that this critical linkage occurs. Without this level of planning, communities risk wasting money and missing opportunities.

Our entire proprietary host of solutions will be brought to bare for your community.

Call Matt or Stan at 888-348-7991 to get started.