Change to Asheville Brightfield Fast Chargers

Brightfield’s Asheville DC Fast Charger Pricing and Output Update

Dear EV Community,

We had to temporarily reduce the output from 50kW to 25kW at our DC Fast Chargers at the Biltmore Avenue Parking Deck and at Asheville City Public Works. We did so because under certain circumstances when the units were operating at their full capacity they triggered demand charges from the utility. The demand charges cause increased utility expenses for Brightfield that we cannot absorb nor fairly pass on to consumers. We are working with Duke Energy to find a solution that will enable us to return the machines to 50kW. For the short-term, the chargers will charge up the average EV in under 1 hour. Once back up to 50kW they will once again deliver a full charge in under 30 min (except for Tesla’s that have big batteries and take longer).

While output is reduced, so is pricing. We have adjusted the rate to $8.00 per hour prorated by the minute. If you have any questions, please contact us via our website at Thank you for your understanding.

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