Brightfield® Breaks Ground on Appalachian State University Project

Brightfield won a bid to provide Appalachian State University with the UNC university system’s second Brightfield Charging Station (the first is on the UNC Asheville Campus). In partnership with Renewable Design Associates, Brightfield will have this system up and running by the beginning of July in time for the fourth annual Appalachian Energy Summit, where the station will be featured as a cutting edge transportation solution. The ASU Brightfield will feature a 5 KW array capable of generating 30,000 vehicle miles of solar fuel annually, and 2 dual cord Level 2 GE Watt Stations able to charge an EV in 2-3 hours.

Brightfield is working to take our solar integrated charging stations UNC system wide! We want to see a black ASU Mountaineer Brightfield, a Purple Western Carolina Catamount Brightfield, a Carolina blue UNC Chapel Hill Tar Heel Brightfield… Let’s see if we can spur on some healthy Solar Driven competition!

Photo: Appalachian State Solar Brightfield

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