Brightfield Helps with Regional EV Planning

Brightfield is working on regional EV planning with Land of Sky Regional Council through the Clean Cities Clean Vehicles initiative and the regional EV Committee. Together, our organizations are helping to make western North Carolina a state-wide beacon for EV readiness. Land of Sky has the capacity and state-wide network to both develop a regional EV readiness model and proliferate that model throughout NC.Brightfield is assisting the effort by installing Brightfield Charging Stations and through the use of our Transportation Infrastructure Modeling (TIM) tool that analyzes demographic, industry forecast, and EV cost and benefit data to determine the strategic location and quantity of EV chargers necessary to meet impending demand. The TIM tool can be used on a micro level to help fleet managers determine the most cost effective way to transition fleets to electric vehicles overtime, and on the macro level to determine how much solar capacity is needed to provide renewable fuel for vehicle miles driven, how much ground-level pollution and greenhouse gas emissions are deferred regionally, and how to make best uses of resources to get EV chargers where they’re needed most.The TIM tool is a valuable part of the EV readiness quiver. Brightfield will continue to work with Land of Sky and the new Evolve Energy Partnerships initiative to ensure that the outcome of our collective EV efforts attains the environmental, social and economic benefits we seek including reduced pollution, affordable vehicles and fuel, and regional job and manufacturing growth.