Brightfield® Installs 18 DC Fast Chargers across North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee

Brightfield® Installs 18 DC Fast Chargers across North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee

Brightfield has installed 18 DC Fast Chargers across NC in Partnership with Nissan, NC Department of Transportation, eVgo, and the Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Project.

A network of Brightfield-owned DC Fast Chargers now exists in NC and TN! Brightfield successfully installed units in Waynesville, Asheville, Charlotte, Greensboro, Hillsborough, Chapel Hill, Durham, Salisbury, Dallas, Wadesboro, Mathews and teh greater Knoxville area. These stations can charge any fast-charge equipped EV up in under 30 minutes—cutting edge technology spurring EV market growth.

These 18 DC Fast Charging stations would not be possible without the hard work and support of our partner City’s leadership and staff, and the leadership at Ashveille Outlet Mall, Biltomore Farms and Calloway Oil and Wallace Realty, who all recognized the benefits of bringing this DC Fast Charge technology to their communities and businesses. We also thank Nissan, eVgo, and the Clean Fuel Advanced Technology Project for funding support. These stations are examples of the power of public private partnerships: together we lay the groundwork for a viable and desirable EV future.

Brightfield is building a network of charging stations and deploying the solar capacity needed so North Carolinians can drive an EV from the mountains to the sea, and do it driving on sunshine. We believe that the electric vehicle gives America the opportunity to move beyond petroleum, and turn to renewable energy to help power our nation’s fleet. Reducing our dependency on petroleum an increasing our use of renewable energy will increase national security, create quality jobs, reduce the cost of transportation and enable communities to retain their transportation fuel dollars that today are siphoned away, often overseas.

Read more about these projects below:

Comments (2)

  • Bruce Moore


    I appreciate your installing these units. Hopefully after you get decent coverage you will add multiple units to many locations.


  • Mark Duncan


    Will these fast chargers support not only the Japanese connector but also support the United States of America standard SAE DCFC Combo charger?


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