Brightfield® Greenlots DC Fast Charger Pricing Policies

Brightfield® Greenlots DC Fast Charger Pricing Policies

Effective 3/19/15; Applies to all Brightfield/Greenlots DC Fast Chargers; Don’t have a Greenlots RFID card? Get one here. The Brightfield DCFC Public Rate is $12/hr. The rate is pro-rated by the minute. Our Signet units can put out up to 50 kW, tapering off after EV battery is 80% full. Most EV’s (such as Nissan Leaf) will receive full charge in under 30 minutes = $6. Be sure to install the Greenlot’s App on your smart phone, so you can mange your account, scan QR codes if you do not have a RFID card, and monitor your charging. Are you a frequent Brightfield Charging Station customer? If so, you can request a charging discount. Simply send an email [email protected] with “Charge Discount Request” in the subject line. Please include your name, organization affiliation (if relevant), phone number, email address, and Greenlots user name (se we can activate discount). All information will be kept 100% private. Charge at Brightfield Charging Stations and your driving on sunshine! It feels good to be Solar Driven®.

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